Just checking on you
Instead of penning my March newsletter, I decided to pick up the phone and check in with everyone. Although it took me over two months, I was happy to reach almost everyone – and had some great conversations. For the most part everyone is doing well. A few needed help with one thing or another…but all were physically well. I want to remind you that if you need help with anything…. even if it is not insurance related…call me. I can usually find someone in my network who will take care of you well.
I polled some of them to see if there were any tips or intel they wanted to share. One suggested that you create a record of your mileage and turn that into your car insurance company. Most car insurers are rebating a portion of paid premiums because we are driving less these days. Another (a professional patient advocate) suggested that it is a good time for us all to make sure we have a Health Care Directive in place – she can help you complete it if you don’t. In addition, you may recall that my March client event speaker was going to be elder law attorney Benjamin Platon. He planned to answer some questions brought up by attendees of my January event (and more). He will now do the same presentation virtually. As soon as I finish my current project – working on my new website, I’ll schedule a date with him, and send out an invite. This time space will not be limited, and you can attend from the comfort of your own home. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to cook for you. I had planned a totally vegan meal if we had been able to meet in March ☹.
The Medicare world has responded to the COVID crisis in several ways. Some are holding virtual town hall meetings to discuss the latest information, others are waiving co-payments and costs, some have added an over the counter benefit. All the companies have either created or enhanced technology to allow us to enroll an individual without seeing them face to face. Some providers are still seeing people for appointments, while others are only scheduling virtual meetings. We have already begun training for the 2021 Medicare Annual Election Period (open enrollment) but we don’t yet know if we will be able see people or only conduct non-contact appointments. I’ll let you know in or before my annual open enrollment letter to you in October.
Finally, I started sewing cloth masks back in March. I still have about 100 left. If you need some, let me know, and I’ll pop some in the mail for you.
Be well,