September 29, 2020

Ole Dawgs Can Certainly Learn New Tricks

It’s hard to believe that I’ve worked from home for over 12 years now.  Although my office was at home, I spent most of my work hours either behind the steering wheel, or in front of a client.  I have been a road warrior most of my adult life.  Being able to sing at the top of my lungs (in my car of course), or even enjoy complete silence are things I love to do as I travel the highways and byways.   

I am old enough to remember our family doctor making house calls…until March of this year, I did too.  At one point I had clients spread across five states most of which were referred by family or friends.  But my favorite method to bring on a new client has always been to sit down at their kitchen table and spend some time getting to know them.  Fashioning myself as somewhat of a storyteller myself (in a good way of course), I love a good story!    A great way to get to know someone is to listen to them recount important events and special people in their lives that helped shape them into who they are.  To me, there is something special about that.

What I miss most about what we are going through now as a country (other than seeing my grandchildren regularly) is being able to make my house calls.  Each year, some clients just need a phone call from me to assure them that there is nothing new they need to be aware of.  While others… even though their plans had not changed much or in some cases at all…just needed that assurance in person.  I get it.  I understand.  I can still remember breathing a sigh of relief as a child when my mom would tell me that Dr. Dinaberg, our family doctor was on his way over to check on me.

Although I’ll still conduct client reviews and informational meetings to advise my clients this Annual Election Period (AEP) – it will all be virtual.  As someone who has never really made friends with Facebook, learning to live in this new virtual world has really stretched me.  Ole dawgs can certainly still learn new tricks